702 265 2441
  3340 Pepper Lane
  Suite 108
  Las Vegas, NV 89120

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Authorized Pride Mobility Dealer in Las Vegas
Authorized Warranty service and repair


Pride Mobility Premier
Warranty Repair

Pride Mobility Corp

Supplier and Distributer of SLA Batteries

Pride Mobility
Authorized Pride & Jazzy Mobility Dealer

Providers of Vive Scooters & Health Aids

Proud Suppliers of Stander
Home care Safety and Mobility products

Authorized Golden Mobility Dealer

Authorized Drive Mobility Dealer

Authorized Providers of
vehicle lifts, ramps and accessories

Authorized Providers of
Vehicle Lifts and Ramps

Authorized Providers of Enhanced Mobility Products and Repairs


Finance With Las Vegas Mobility Scooters and Lifts

Las Vegas Mobility Scooters and Lifts we will do our best to get you the right equipment for your mobility needs but for same cases cost is a big factor for some people and can lead to buying inferior or the wrong products for their needs. Wherever possible we will work with our customers and their budgets but sometimes the expense of mobility can mean your health and wellbeing can be compromised due to affordability for the user and for the people caring and supporting those in need.

We too have been in a situation where overall cost of some much needed equipment to make life that little easier has been out of our reach and had to compromise due to affordability.

What are my options?
We want to work with our customer, we are not financial advisors but we listen and care about people in need and might have a solution that you might not have thought about.
Buying a product at cash price is always going to save you more money but if the out of pocket expense is just too much we have a few options available

Credit card
       ● Short term bank Loan
Lower cost reconditioned scooters and power wheelchairs
       ● CareCredit Finance**

Some options are not perfect but you will get the right equipment needed to make your life and your families life just that more bearable.

Please feel free to call us or stop by for chat about how we can help you get what you really need

Spread the cost of your new scooter or lift purchase

**CareCredit finance option is available for in-store purchaeses only. Subject to suitability and approval. Think carefully before securing other debts against your home. Your home may be at risk if you do not keep up the repayments on your mortgage or other loans against your home. Terms and conditions apply. Written details upon request . All loans and finance are subject to status.


*Prices subject to change, availability only in the Las Vegas Valley area. Call out fees are applicable.
† Free battery installation only available in-store only.
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www.lasvegasscootersandlifts.com Copyright 2015 © Las Vegas Scooters & Lifts.

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